Jan Groover (Still Life)

RCTC-Photo-I: web work 7 Jan Groover
Jan Groover

Jan Groover is an American photographer from New Jersey. Most of her still life pieces seem to be household items like kitchenware, food, and house plants. I chose this photo because I enjoyed how there is a lot of silver objects in the photo but the objects are still able to be told apart. When looking at the image quickly you just see a mass of one color with some green peppers breaking it up. When you look deeper into the photo you can notice all of the different objects in it. I also like how Groover used shadows and reflections to add depth to the photo. The way that Groover photographs these objects makes me look at them differently like they are not just household items.
Jan Groover: Laboratory of Forms – British Journal of Photography
This is one of my favorite images that I have seen by Groover. One of my favorite things to photograph is my house plants and this definitely gave me inspiration. This photo has a sharp contrast between the plants and metal utensils. Once again, the reflections and the shadows add more depth to the image.


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